Люби ці рисочки

Проект має на меті #LoveYourLines - показати красу жіночого тіла. Аккаунт в інстаграме ведуть дві мами, які виступають за більш широке розуміння жіночої краси. Вони закликають жінок з різною зовнішністю надсилати фотографії свого тіла з розтяжками. Зазвичай розтяжки з'являються на тілі жінки під час вагітності, але не тільки - іноді це відбувається при різкій зміні ваги. "Недосконалість робить нас досконалими", - свідчить підпис під одним зі знімків.

Редакція Бігпікчі солідаризується з власницями аккаунта і пропонує подивитися фотографії. Вони дійсно заслуговують вашої уваги.

(Всього 17 фото)

#LoveYourLines is a social media photo campaign to help showcase the beauty of the female body. This account is curated by two mommas hoping to make a difference in the world of the female body image. To submit your photos please email [email protected]. All women of different shapes, sizes and cultural backgrounds are encouraged to submit. Photos submitted should be taken against a plain background. We can not wait to see your love lines!

Фото опубліковано #loveyourlines (@loveyourlines)

Imperfections are what makes us perfect. Easily said, harder to fully embrace ... true nonetheless.

Фото опубліковано #loveyourlines (@loveyourlines)

"Thanks to the two wonderful women who created this page, I've learned to love and accept my stripes, I've now become more confident in showing off my body and feel much comfortable in my own skin. I DO LOVE MY LINES. " @ariannekmx

Фото опубліковано #loveyourlines (@loveyourlines)

"My first lines appeared when I was 12. I grew 10 inches in 6 months. Puberty arrived and I put on weight. More lines were born on my sides, thighs, butt, back of my legs. I was always a tomboy and never liked rubbing lotion on my skin, felt icky. Took me about 10 years to get used to my lines and accept them. I am a beautiful woman with beautiful lines and I still think that lotion still feels icky. " submitted by @yonosoymarinero

Фото опубліковано #loveyourlines (@loveyourlines)

"I came across your page & came to tears reading story after story relating with many. Who knew I was not the only" skinny "20 something dealing with these lines. I'm a soon to be 21 year old who is confident in her clothes & style. I'm the gal that always spread the words of loving oneself & owning your confidence in your beautiful god given skin. When all said I'm also the gal that comes home undresses and cries because these lines will not leave me. I'm 110 lbs, I've always been thin but since I was in highschool I notice these lines how they got here I'll never know but I'm learning everyday to own them. Do they scare me for the future when I decide to be fruitful and multiply yes, but as I read all these stories these lines interpret as Beauty Marks, screw them. We are beautiful women with beautiful skin, whether they tell a story or are just simply due to growth let's own them. We are all beautifully marked. "

Фото опубліковано #loveyourlines (@loveyourlines)

"2 pregnancies later, and I set about sculpting a body I love more than ever. These lines are not going anywhere. They are my motivation to be the best me and not be ashamed of my body."

Фото опубліковано #loveyourlines (@loveyourlines)

"Though I am not a mother, I've always had stretch marks. Needless to say, I've always been self conscious of my stretchies. I am approaching the quarter of a century mark in exactly 1 week. Growing into womanhood has taught me to love every little thing about me including my "love lines". I know God did not make any mistakes on me; He gave me beauty for ashes. " Beautifully amazing! Thank you for sharing. #loveyourlines

Фото опубліковано #loveyourlines (@loveyourlines)

#loveyourlines submission.

Фото опубліковано #loveyourlines (@loveyourlines)

"I'm 22 and I have had my stretch marks since the age of 12. I thought my lines came from being overweight but being a size 2 I know stretch marks do not discriminate when it comes to weight or size. I love my lines , I flaunt them at the beach or pool side with friends. " Submission from: @monstermo

Фото опубліковано #loveyourlines (@loveyourlines)

"I'm a 24 year old mom from Belgium. I became pregnant in January 2012 my ultimate dream came true. Back then I was so afraid of getting stretchmarks that I started buying all kinds of product to avoid them. It took 8 months for them to appear anyway. At fist I was so sad about it, at age 22 I could never wear a bikini ever again. But after I gave birth, something changed. Somewhere along the way I gained a lot of confidence. I embraced my 'new' body, including my lines. They resemble the life I carried, they resemble that my body gave its best so that I could become the mommy of a healthy perfect little girl. And no matter what other people may say or think, to my daughter I am the most beautiful mom of the world, or so she says. "

Фото опубліковано #loveyourlines (@loveyourlines)

"I love my lines." submission from @elizzion

Фото опубліковано #loveyourlines (@loveyourlines)

"I'm a 36 year old single mother of a seven year old boy. Four years ago I lost 100lbs and splurged on an abdominal plasty as a New Years gift to myself. Best thing I ever did."

Фото опубліковано #loveyourlines (@loveyourlines)

This 31 year young woman has learned to not care so much about her tiger stripes although it was not easy. They are apart of who she is. She had them even before having babies. Mom of 2. #loveyourlines

Фото опубліковано #loveyourlines (@loveyourlines)

"I am 18 years old and I have a beautiful son who was born about 3 months ago. Ive been confident in my body even when i was pregnant however, it did take a great deal of unfortunate events to get me to this confidence. I wont go into details but, i do want to say that every women big or small scared or smooth is beautiful in their own way. I love to encourage anybody and everybody to be happy in their skin because God doesnt make mistakes. "

Фото опубліковано #loveyourlines (@loveyourlines)

'I am a 28 yr old mom of three. I learned only one year ago that I have celiac disease which explained the inability to produce enough breast milk and my preterm babies. I gained over 60lbs with my first pregnancy and never really lost the weight but I have learned to love my lines one day at a time. In this picture is my now 2 year old son he thinks my belly button is the funniest thing. '

Фото опубліковано #loveyourlines (@loveyourlines)

"Just want to say to other women: be happy with yourself! A women's body is so beautiful in every single way. My body was once a home for my little girl and these" scars "will always remind me of the most special period of my life. "

Фото опубліковано #loveyourlines (@loveyourlines)

"Hi. I was one of the 1st ppl to submit a picture when the account first started of my pregnant twin belly so it only seemed natural to submit a new photo of my new lines and young princes. I'm now 5 days postpartum. I had to have an emergeny csection after 24 hrs of labor. So after everything heals up and goes back down I guess you will get another submission of that cool line too lol. Surprisingly I'm not down about my new tiger stripes or my new incision scar. Who can be ashamed of things like that when its all a product of bringing two new lives into this world. I wear all my lines proudly! "

Фото опубліковано #loveyourlines (@loveyourlines)

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